Go & Make


Making Disciples Who Impact Our City for Jesus

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Whoever you are, whatever you’ve done, whatever you’re going through—Jesus pursues you with good news and calls you into a new adventure with him. We are a church anchored in the gospel and excited about taking next steps with Jesus. 




Life is impossible without friends. Our relational God created you for community. We are a church to belong to and bring to—Monday through Sunday we create community and make disciples by bringing people with us as we go about our lives in our city.




God placed you in Silicon Valley with a vocation, a calling to use your unique life to do work that impacts our city…and eternity. We are a church of diverse men and women exploring how to best use our particular stories and strengths to make a life-giving impact.


We Preach the Bible

The Bible isn’t popular in Silicon Valley, but the good news of God’s Word is exactly what our city needs to hear. Each week you’ll encounter expository preaching at Garden City—strong, inspiring, relational preaching that moves through the books of the Bible and that moves you forward in your relationship with God. Vibrant singing, prayer, coffee, and connecting as a community also characterize our Sunday gatherings. Check out our recent sermons here, and plan your Sunday visit here.

We Enjoy Community

At Garden City we want the real you to encounter the real God among real people. People don’t stay the same here. We’re a community of imperfect humans where you can be known and loved, and where you can change and grow. Instead of lots of programs, we create community and make disciples in three main contexts: Sundays (large community), Life Groups (smaller community), and organically formed friendships and events. Our many Life Groups meet throughout the Bay Area during the week. Explore our Life Groups here.

We Believe Your Work Matters

We aren’t just a church for Sundays, we are the church all week long. The life you live and the work you do during the week really matters. As we carry out our unique callings with excellence and joy in the homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces where God has placed us, we carry out God’s mission. We are a church of missionaries–not because we do weird religious stuff, but because we live and work in Silicon Valley with gospel intentionality.

We Are a People & Place of Joy

We believe our busy and burdened city sits in desperate need of joy. Our joyful God is growing us as a people and place of joy, supernatural joy that we want to share with every person we encounter.

A joyful heart is good medicine,
    but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22

Garden City

Silicon Valley is both an amazing and challenging place to live and work. Garden City exists to be a growing counterculture to the pressure, loneliness, and consumerism of this place. We invite you to join us. You will find good news to enjoy, a community to belong to, and a mission—a deep sense of purpose—to live.

We named our church Garden City because the human story started in a garden (Gen.1) and adventures towards a garden city (Rev.22), plus we’re placed in a strategic region that the first settlers called “The Garden City” because everything they planted flourished in our valley’s fertile soil and temperate climate. We’re here to advance this story of flourishing, to impact a place that’s impacting the world.

We don’t do this by “going to church” on Sundays, but by being the church every day of the week. All week we “Go & Make”—together we walk with Jesus, make disciples, and do work that makes an impact. You can play an important role in our church and in our city, and we’re excited to meet you!


Where to Find Us

We have a new permanent location at 1975 Pollard Road, Los Gatos. We gather on Sundays at 10 am.