Sunday's Setlist 1/26/20


Hey Church!

So encouraged by your learning and engaging with the song/prayer of Give us Your Heart! What a thing to ask for His kingdom to come here! I was challenged by Justin’s sermon last week. We have this life to answer God’s call to make disciples and we need to pray for God’s Spirit to come in power to make this happen. That’s why we’re going to begin with singing Jesus is Better. In it, there’s a line repeated: “make my heart believe.” I pray we come awake to the regular habit of asking God to pour out His Spirit in our hearts and minds in a way that would cause us to live out this truth in every facet: Jesus is better!

Here’s the songs we’re singing Sunday:

  1. Jesus Is Better

  2. Give Us Your Heart

  3. Thank You

  4. In Christ Alone

Excited to sing with you, church! See you Sunday!